Monday, September 7, 2009

Week of Sept 7th

I apologize to any of you that looked last week for menu ideas. We had the stomach flu last week, so we didn't do much eating and definitely didn't want to share anything. The good news is that we somehow got the whole house disinfected in time for Delv to come home and so far, he hasn't gotten it. He was home for an entire 4 days, I think he is safe.

This week's menu:

Monday: Sloppy Joes, Veggies

Tuesday: Fajitas

Wednesday: Oriental Chicken Salad

Thursday: Hot Dogs

Friday: Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes

Saturday: Brenna's Birthday, so probably Pizza or Mongollian Beef

Sunday: Ham, Yummy Potatoes, Green Beans

Have a wonderful week!

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